

AUS MEINEM EMAILVERKEHR VOM 08.04.2021 (überarbeitet)
BETREFF : Simply godlike, outstanding programmers

*** https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Programmieren-am-Limit-Demoszener-als-Meister-in-der-Beschraenkung-4197183.html
BACKLINK #1 : http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/wichiger_schriftverkehr/OUTSTANDING-PROGRAMMERS.html
BACKLINK #2 : http://adler-auge.net/Emails/OUTSTANDING-PROGRAMMERS.txt
BACKLINK #3 : https://pastebin.com/dU9iEf5B
BACKLINK #4 : https://www.heise.de/forum/heise-online/News-Kommentare/Programmieren-am-Limit-Demoszener-als-Meister-in-der-Beschraenkung/Simply-godlike-outstanding-programmers/posting-38683286/show/ BACKLINK #5 : https://www.schizophrenie-online.org/thread/23262-schizophrenie-dummheit-ist-glauben-genug-zu-wissen/?pageNo=32#post28404
*** https://www.heise.de/forum/heise-online/News-Kommentare/Programmieren-am-Limit-Demoszener-als-Meister-in-der-Beschraenkung/forum-412213/comment/
(... Achtung : man sollte zunächst den englischen Text unten lesen ...)
*********************** *** http://adler-auge.net/Emails/BEDENKEN.txt
*** http://adler-auge.net/Emails/OHNMACHT.txt
*** https://www.schizophrenie-online.org/thread/23241-lagebericht-mitte-november-2020/?postID=25626#post25626
*** https://pastebin.com/ky1JpNQc
*** https://pastebin.com/y6UdNi6D
*** http://adler-auge.net/Emails/13-neue-Straftatbestaende-in-der-Anklageschrift-vom-Landgericht-Bueckeburg.txt
*** https://www.schizophrenie-online.org/thread/23262-schizophrenie-dummheit-ist-glauben-genug-zu-wissen/?postID=27233#post27233
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/wichiger_schriftverkehr/09-Windows-10-and-problems-of-modern-computer-technics.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/bankenkrise/01-bankenkrise-phase2.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/Facebook-Aktivitaeten/02-Bedeutung-der-Musik-und-andere-Geheimnisse.html
*** https://pastebin.com/ViFbtnuk
*** https://pastebin.com/QtKs1WD5
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/fuer-eine-bessere-heimat/03-Die-Erde-Spricht_Ein-Gedicht-von-Hilde-Philipp.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/wichiger_schriftverkehr/07-Provozierter_Prozess.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/wichiger_schriftverkehr/Warum-Neuroleptika-versagen.html
*** https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2634120/page/22#p22491922
*** http://adler-auge.net/Emails/VERBLENDUNG.txt
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/brainstorm_aktive_gestaltung_der_zukunft/01-Brainstorm-Aktive-Gestaltung-der-Zukunft.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/Facebook-Aktivitaeten/01-wandelnde_waffen_durch_bewusstsein.html
*** Basic Instinct FOR THERAPY
*** http://adler-auge.net/gedanken/wichiger_schriftverkehr/Perfekte-Opfer.html
*** http://adler-auge.net/Emails/OLIGARCHIE.txt

[[[ Operation Techno #16 ]]]
@Tiefgang Hannover

*** Einführung in die Tanztherapie : ****** https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2634120/page/1

Its included here - even your color-scheme matches perfectly.
Would sell my soul to become such an outstanding programmer.
but : to much mathematics-abstraction my brain cant really manage good enough... hmmmmm.
Maybe i will program text-adventures in future ;) xD MAYBE i will become able some day with much more chilling times
But first : on my todo list are some really important errands
for example :
- a third big SSD(a least one TB - better two) for FreeBSD as my third bootable OS.
- a new Blueray-Device (my Blueray-Device is from 2011 (mechanics begin to erode and cant read PS3-Discs for PS3-Emulator.But : I have some really god-like PS3 games i want to PLAY ON MY PC and NOT @console)
- some really important computer-games like all "Dark Souls"-parts - because i think : HARDEST GAME EVER!
- upgrade my atm. slow DDR4-RAM to much better Highspeed-DDR4-Modules (at least 64 GB Ram for OS-Emulations etc.)
- some really big Oldschool-Magnet-HDDS for divx-Backups of my DVD-collection, so the original DVD will not get damaged in my Blueray-Device more in future.
- etc. etc. etc.
because you all know : programming is a craft : so : you become better and better and better whole life! If you have talent!
Study Programming @ todays universities ?! xD LOL!
You ARE a BORN real programmer : OR YOU WILL NEVER BE! how hard you try : YOU WILL FAIL xD
Some days i want to switch back to good old C(not C++!!!) and Assembler programming.
Good old days, where the most people had no computer and the cpu was that slow that EVERY BIT
in games and graphic simulators had to be optimized and ALL THE DATA IN RAM : COPROMIZED!
Google? Google was not even born in this days! Learning Programming?
Books and watching other programmers LIVE @ work!
Then : simply START... and be patient - this will take a LOT OF TIME xD
Why?! :
adler-auge.net ::: Bedeutung der Musik und andere Geheimnsse